Tele Supply AS
Oline Muus' vei 84 (Old:Fetveien 300)
Organization No. 935 787 610 MVA
Telephone +47 63884399
From Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 15:00 CET
NDB Transmitter Type JTM-50C
NDB Transmitter Type JTM-50C may be delivered as a 500W PEP (125W carrier) or as 1000 W PEP (250W RMS Carrier) Transmitter.
It consists of an Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU), a 19" Transmitter Rack and Remote Control(s).
Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU-2)
ATU-2 contains an Antenna tuning Coil and a Matching Transformer to match the reactive Antenna impedance into 50 ohm to the Transmitter. The ATU-2 circuits are mounted inside an IP66 weatherproofed and ruggedized cabinet. ATU shall be installation at the Antenna.
Tuning and match the antenna impedance to 50 ohms is a manual procedure.
An Auto Tune function is offered as an option.
A heater element is installed inside the cabinet to reduce humidity at low temperature.
The heater element should be powered from 24 VDC via the Transmitter Cabinet.
19" Transmitter Cabinet (TX Rack)
The Transmitter Cabinet is a 19" rack provided with panels for RF generating unit (Exciter(s), Transmitter Amplifier(s), RF Output Panel, Power Supply, Cable Harness, and terminals for connection to external equipment such as Remote Control Unit, PC, External Alarm circuits etc. etc.
The transmitter can be powered from AC Mains (115/230 VAC) via an internal Power Supply which supplies 24V DC to the equipment, or direct from an external 24V Battery Bank.
Main source of energy for the Cabinet is 24VDC.
The 19" Rack is designed for indoor installation.
NDB Transmitter Type JTM-50C